This petition specifically serves the latest requirement from the NJDEP and is required to compel the NJDEP to hold a public hearing.

We have less than 30 days.

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The Elk Township Committee is deeply concerned about the proposed decommissioning of the Ewan Lake Dam that sustains this precious body of water.

Beyond the natural beauty and environmental function of the lake, the lake serves a functional purpose for fire suppression.

The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) is considering decommissioning the dam, and we only have 30 days to intervene.

This decision will drastically alter our community’s landscape and disrupt local ecosystems. Many residents share my concerns—we are not alone in this fight.

According to N.J.S.A. 58:4-10, if a protest against such an action is signed by any number of residents or by the governing body itself, then the NJDEP must hold a public hearing on the matter. We need your support to ensure that our voices are heard.

Our community has thrived alongside Ewan Lake for generations. It’s more than just a water reservoir; it’s a part of our identity and history. The potential environmental impact cannot be underestimated—dams play a crucial role in maintaining local ecosystems by providing habitats for various species.

We urge you to join us in opposing this decision by signing this petition today.

Let us stand together as one voice against the decommissioning of Ewan Lake Dam. Together, we can save our lake and preserve it for future generations to cherish.

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