680 Whig Ln, Monroeville, NJ 08343  |   (856) 881-6525


Township News

Township News

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Elk Township Code Book

Elk Township Code Book

Local municipality code book
can be viewed here
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Welcome to Elk Township
“The Official Elk Township Website”

Elk Township, primarily known as an agricultural community, is made up of almost 20 square miles at the southern end of Gloucester County. On many Township roads, visitors can find roadside markets offering the best in Jersey Fresh produce, continuing its great tradition of farming. Through good planning, Elk Township has been able to maintain a “country” feel to its growth and residential development. It is easily accessed by major roadways in South Jersey and offers a positive environment for business development and expansion.

Current News

Thank you Veterans

On Tuesday, October 4th a group of military veterans traveled from Monroe Township to Washington D.C. The group was transported by South Jersey Honor Flight organization. This non-profit organization [...]

By |October 4th, 2022|
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