Elk Township, primarily known as an agricultural community, is made up of almost 20 square miles at the southern end of Gloucester County. On many Township roads, visitors can find roadside markets offering the best in Jersey Fresh produce, continuing its great tradition of farming. Through good planning, Elk Township has been able to maintain a “country” feel to its growth and residential development. It is easily accessed by major roadways in south Jersey and offers a positive environment for business development and expansion.
Township News
Gloucester County Public Hearing Notice
Gloucester County public Notice Scotland Run Park Gloucester County issued the attached Public Notice for a Meeting Regarding the Proposed Green Acres Major Diversion at Scotland Run Park. Meeting Date [...]
2023 ARBOR DAY – Saturday 4-22-2023
Please join us for our Annual Arbor Day Celebration: Saturday April 22, 2023 09:30am - 11:00am Elk Township Recreation Park We will plant a new tree in the park and [...]
*** Due to Weather Easter Egg Hunt Moved to Sunday ***
Due to inclement weather for Saturday April 1st, the Annual Easter Egg Hunt has been moved to Sunday April 2nd starting at 12 o'clock noon. It will be held at [...]
The first Shred and Clean Up Day for 2023 will be held on Saturday, April 15th. The shred event will be held in the Municipal Building parking lot from 9AM [...]